承认吧,你只是假装很努力!Are you really trying hard?

承认吧,你只是假装很努力!Are you really trying hard?Your college years, the one time in your life when you can truly appreciate the art of staying up late.大学是你人生中可...

He said,"Wait a minute, boys, you know who I am?" "Of coursewe do, we know who you are!" Then theyblew off his head while he was still in the car Shot downlike a dog in broad daylight Was amatter of timing and the timing was right ...

别忘了,当年在当主持人时,特朗普的口头禅就是:You are fired! 说起来,蒂勒森你也是活该。要知道,当时他去非洲的主要任务,就是对中非关系各种指手画脚。但回国时差还没倒过来呢,就被特朗...

You are justfocused on being in the moment 只是专注于当下 That’s what mamba mentality truly is 这才是曼巴精神的真谛 What the mamba mentality colors 曼巴精神的不同颜色 is a good visual representation connect certain emotions 是对某种特定情绪很好的...

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